Books, Info & More

Find books, audiobooks, and DVDs in our collection

Online Catalog

Begin your search for books & other items through the online catalog.  Log into your personal account to renew or reserve books. You can also search your checkout history. Questions? Call the library at 918-358-2676.


We have e-books available as well.  Check out our E-book Help page for more information and instructions.

Reserve Books & Other Items

We can hold a book or other item for you, if you request it. We’ll notify you when the item you desire is available for pick up.

Borrowing from Other Libraries – Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

If we do not have the book you are looking for, we can check with other libraries and borrow it for you.  The first 2 items per month are free.  After that, a return postage fee is required. Contact us at: 

The Friendly Book Browser

Come visit the Friendly Book Browser at 211 E. Kiowa Street across the parking lot from the library. We have used books for all ages. Support your love of books!

  • Open Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 10:00 am- 2:00 pm.
  • The Browser is staffed by volunteers and all proceeds benefit the library.
  • If the temperature is below freezing (32 degrees) or above 100, the Book Browser will be closed.

Library Resources

Info and Articles from Magazines & Journals

With Explora and Ebsco you can find books, articles, web content and other useful information on a wide range of topics.

Consumer Health Complete offers a rich collection of health information: reports, encyclopedias, dictionary, fact sheets, news, drug, herb info, alternative sources, images, diagrams, and videos.

Ebsco Host Research Databases
search the world's libraries through worldcat